Are you spinning?

MESO Digital Interiors and schneider+schumacher in cooperation with CA Immo give a light performance at the new car park near Frankfurt main station during the Luminale 2016 from March 13th to 18th. More than 100 movable headlights throw light points onto the wire-cloth of the facade from behind. A new developed software calculates the movements of the headlights, so that the facade becomes a playground: Two players race on two spinning bikes through the city. Let the games begin!
The new car park at the main station is built by CA Immo and will be run by an operating company of ABG Frankfurt Holding. The specific characteristic of the car park is Frankfurt’s first bicycle station with over 300 parking spaces and a repair shop run by Frankfurter Verein.
The Luminale is held every two years alongside the Light+Building trade fair in Frankfurt and Offenbach, Germany. In showrooms, galeries, museums, churches, train stations, parks and unusual places exhibitors, light-designers, architects, artists and initiatives present their innovative light projects, all in all around 200 light events.
On March 2nd Till Schneider will speak at the Luminale press conference. He will report on the importance of light in the work of schneider+schumacher.